I fail at blogging. That's what I think about when I see other people's blogs. However, I have realized something- everyone seems to blog about something specific, a theme if you will. And I have just been writing about everything and anything...okay let's be honest, more like absolutely nothing.
So, in order to pick up the blogging 'pen', I will put a focus on my blogs. Perhaps it's more that my life is changing drastically. You see, a little over a month ago I was a college student with three majors and 18 hour semesters. I was a part time worker at a local Catholic bookstore. I was involved in way too many things.
And then, I graduated.
It's true, I made it! (Well, they haven't told me anything otherwise... ;) ) After 19 years of schooling (yes, I counted preschool and kindergarten, don't judge, those were tough years!) I was given a piece of paper (a degree and actually it still has come in the mail yet, lame) and sent off into the real world.
About half of my friends continued their education and the other half is off in foriegn lands doing a couple years of service. And then there is that little group of a couple people...me included who is looking for a job. (please note that I said IS looking- if you hear of anything folks let me know!) Yes, it's true, graduates seem to be postponing real jobs. I completely understand why, it's a not-so-friendly job market out there(...hello mom and dad, thanks for taking me back under your wing...)
Now I could go on and on complaining about my lack of call backs (literally none, and I think I'm a pretty swell gal!). But I'm not going to go there. Instead my life is different than the typical college-grad-move-back-in-with-the-parents kid. I am a military fiancee. I'm not only job hunting but I'm also planning a wedding!
Amongst all my wedding planning research, I've realized there aren't any blogs by military fiancees. (Probably because they are all super busy doing things I should be doing...like planning!) I love reading military blogs because I get better insight on what my life will be like in a few months. So, that is going to be my main focus these days...more like months. Life of a military wife to be! :) We'll see where that takes me...!